Quick links:
To access the User Management Tool, you will have to log in as an admin or a host user on the website. Then hover on Users on the top bar menu and click on Manage Users.
You will then reach the User Management page, that will look like this:
To create a new user, click on "Add New User" located under the users' list.
Then, you need to fill up the first part:
When every field is filled up and you are satisfied with the data inserted, you can confirm and click on "Add New User".
Once the user is created, you will have to assign one or several roles, depending of what you want.
To do so, click on the shield:
From there, you can select a role in the drop down list "Security Role".
You can also specify if the role has to be assigned for a period of time or not. If you leave the dates blank then by default, the role will be assigned right away and will never expire. If the tickbox "Send Notification?" is ticked, then an email will be automatically sent to the user to let him/her know that this specific role has been assigned to him/her.
You can also see all the roles already assigned to the user on this table and delete them if you need to by clicking on the little bin icon:
Note: if you delete or give the wrong role you can easily re-assign it or delete it as many time as you want.
Once the user is created, you can easily edit the informations if you need to or if an error as been made. To do so, click on the little pencil:
On the first tab, "Manage Account", you can change the information you set during the creation:
There is a grey table on the side with more informations about the dates of creation, the last login, the last activity and the last time the password was changed.
You can also see these informations:
You can also see three buttons:
Please refer to the "Assign Roles" section.
On this tab, you can manually change the user's account password. You simply have to type it in the New Password field and confirm it by typing the same one in the Confirm Password field.
If you want the user to change his/her password him/herself, then you click on the "Send Password Reset Link". That will send an email to the user, asking to go on the website and choose another password.
It is possible to delete a user account. To do so, select the bin icon, located here:
You will be asked to confirm your decision.
Once the user is deleted, it will be crossed out but still in the list.
You can always cancel this decision by clicking on this icon that now replaces the little bin.
To fully remove and make it disappear from the User Management list, you have to click on this button:
!! IMPORTANT !! Once you removed all the deleted users, you cannot go back. They are deleted for good. If you are not sure about deleting a specific account, we would advise you to use the authorization option instead.